

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Zurich & Istanbul:

Well the end of the trip is here, I’m on the plane in Dubai, hopefully I get some free wifi in Singapore (otherwise this will be sent from Auckland). The rain has been off and on on this trip, but in the last 2 destinations it has done nothing but rain… so no real good shots of outdoors. On the morning we left Demark for Zurich, it was Sharon’s Birthday, and the family we were with did something very special and that is fly the Denmark Flag (you can only do that on special occasions), so it was very honouring.
Zurich was a great city, but nothing is cheap here except……. You guessed it watches, We had an awesome time with Matt & Bethany who we stayed with (they arrived in from Israel after us, so we greeted them in their home). We went to their church ICF, it was great singing all the same songs we sing. We tried to dodge the rain and see as much as we could, and sampled some traditional Swiss meals, the food was really nice, we did some shopping for watches, which was real easy, everywhere you go there is a store on every corner… The pics don’t do the place justice, I’m sure on a Sunny day this place is spectacular…
Istanbul, that was a mission to get to our hotel, metro, tram then drag our bags for a while, but we did and it was great to rest our feet. Dinner out both nights was amazing, Turkish food is so good! We did the Blue Mosque and Ayasofia, they w ere great, lots of history here. Then we went to the Grand Bazzar, that was lots of fun, to be honest we thought the haggling and the pressure to buy would have been worse than what it was, some were not even pushy, so it was a fun time, bought lots of bits and pieces.
This morning (Thursday) we had to get to the tram, but we were not dragging bags, so we were going to get a cab, but it was pouring down rain so there were no cabs, cause everyone had the same idea. We finally got one, but he ended up dropping us off quite a distance from the tram, so we walked and got soaked in process. We finally made it to the airport, ready to go home, via Dubai, Singapore, to Auckland. Got a great shot of a Maybach (for the boys) this is being raffled off in Dubai airport for $250 USD a ticket, but I resisted the temptation to get one.
Well that’s it for s, happy to have experienced it all, but happy to be coming home to family, and friends and church, and work, all in that order. AWESOME!!!!!

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