

Monday, October 4, 2010


October 1,2 & 3:
Salerno & Rome:

Last morning in Positano, we said goodbye to our Villa, and Luigi (see Pic) and took the ferry back to Salerno to take the Train back to Rome for our 3 nights there. On the ferry we met another Luigi, (see pic) I talked with him for most of the hour we sailed to Salerno. 20 years on the water, doing what he loves, he lives in Amalfi, with his family. The thing here is people don’t move up any ladder corporate or society, they just do life and love life for what it is. Mind you this is pretty much paradise, why would you want to stress out. It was great talking to him about life for generations on the Amalfi Coast.
Then we hit Rome, certainly an experience for the girls with suitcases on the Metro, it was crazy, but we got to our apartment at the Spanish Steps. We didn’t really know how this would go, but we are a block away from the Piazza di Spagna & Spanish Steps. This is the bomb location, and we look down on a street with a CafĂ© just under our window, with lots of posh shops, it’s great to watch. Sunday, we hit the Colleseum and then headed to the Forum. There was a big Market Fair on for Organic food, so we just sampled food for Africa, it was awesome, and we bought heaps of fresh organic things for dinner tonight, it was great!
We went to the Vittoria Emanuelle, a most beautiful and imposing structure in Rome, but full of History, a monument to all those who have bravely fought over the centuries. We spoke to one of the Carabinieri, (Military police)on duty there, due to heightened security alert (see his Pic as well). He served in a few wars, spent 2 years in hospital after his tank was hit with a shell, and he lost his Capitan. His Uncle came to Australia in 1938, and loved the fact that they accepted him so openly, he served (volunteered in WW2 for Australia), now laid to rest in Adelaide War Cemetery. He himself went to Bali for a few years after the Bali bombing, working with Aussie and NZ peace keeping troops. Fascinating to spend time talking to him, such a lovely brave and caring man, given his whole life to protect others.
Then it was shopping all afternoon for the girls (me in tow), $$ were spent today as they found the shopping strip…… Monday, Emma and Ali are off to the Vatican, Sharon and I are off to meet Fabrizio (Umberto’s Uncle), for a day of sightseeing Italian Style!!!! He is an architect that specializes in restoration of old building, but blending with modern style, We had a great time with him, lots of walking, to the artistic area, the Medieval area, The Jewish Grotto (we had Kosher lunch there), and all points in between. Lots of history. One of the photos shows 2000 years of Rome in one shot, all the different building periods from the Romans through to today, just priceless. Off to Paris tomorrow!!
Au Revoir!

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